How to get inspired

Oftentimes, I've felt guilty not doing what artists "should do" to get inspired - should do as in what society or others think artists do to get inspired e.g. walking through museums, trying to understand all form of arts (modern art, contemporary dance, performances, etc) or following famous photographers and knowing everything about their career... I felt that there might be something wrong with me not doing those things that others seem to be doing on a regular basis.

But then I recently came to think that doing like everyone else is not necessarily the "normal" thing to do, we're all unique, and we all get inspired in different ways.

I don't want to force myself going to the museum, looking at modern art that i don't understand and doesn't inspire me, I don't wanna do things because that's what people think i


do. I want to do things in a purposeful way, in a way that's meaningful to me.

Truth is, most of the time, I get inspired by tiny details and moments of everyday life.

I am inspired by the ever changing clouds, the song of the rain on the window, the sun rays beaming through the leaves - did you know that theJapanese have a specific words for that?? it's called


-Love that word - the burst of laughter of my nephew, the smell of dad's cooking, the hands that hold, the eyes that talk, the lips that whisper... the list is endless just as life's beauty.

And sometimes we find inspiration in the least expected ways...

Just like last week, when I was sitting on the train on my way home, the man next to me was reading some sort of magazine that looked like geeks' scientific magazines, his eyes were frenetically scanning the pages, I first looked at him quite condescendingly I must admit. I then sneak peeked again above my shoulder to see what was so exciting about this magazine, then I found myself hypnotized by what my eyes were seeing... They were images of the Universe captured by the

telescope Hubble

- Of course, I didn't know that's what it was at first- all I could see was a burst of amazing colors, voluptuous shapes created by what looked like galaxies and stars. I couldn't stop staring at the pages and I think the man noticed. He then kinda slowed down his reading to let me enjoy the moment too. He didn't say a word but I could hear : Yes, I know, it's amazing, here, have a look, I'm sharing with you.... and then it was time for me to alight at my stop. I wanted to thank him, ask him what was the name of the magazine...but I didn't dare. Damn it.

After that, I looked frenetically in every newspaper kiosk for that magazine... and one evening last week I found it! and I read it like an obsessed geek on the train home. And I'm reading it again as I'm sitting here typing with a cup of tea, chocolate and a Granny would read her horoscope.

 It was seriously, one of the most inspiring and fascinating things I've read and seen for a while. Here are the reasons why :


, because we tend to forget how amazing the Universe we live in is.

When I looked at these images I sometimes had to pinch myself to believe all this is real, it's here, all around us. I realized how we belittle the world we live in, because we are so focused on our daily lives, on our daily problems, that we tend to think that the center of the Universe is US and what surrounds US, we forget to look at a higher level, take a step back and look at the whole Universe around us and its beauty.

Antennae galaxies (c) NASA images

This is Orion nebula ... now, I dare you not to be amazed... (c) NASA images


, because the story of Hubble is one of a kind and can resonate in many of us I think. When the telescope was created, only a few scientists believed in the project. Many thought it'll never work out as they considered the very first attempts as failures. But because a handful of people was determined to make it work, because they believed it will be a milestone for science, change the way we perceive the Universe, through a new way of capturing images directly from above versus from the earth, they pushed through and managed to launch Hubble out there in 1990. 25 years later, Hubble has captured more than half a million (!!) images in archives and has transformed the way scientists and public understand the


scale and structure of our space. 

Galaxy M106 (c)NASA images

Now tell me that you didn't say : "wow" at least once while looking at these pics. I invite you to Google "Hubble" and read more about it. You'll be hooked !

 Conclusion: don't stick to the rules, don't cave under social pressure, don't do what others think you should do. Believe in yourself. The Universe will respond.

A special THANKS to the man on the train.


C x

Fields of Gold | J+F Wedding

♫   Fields of Gold  ♫ 

See the west wind move like a lover so
Upon the fields of barley
Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth
Among the fields of gold
I never made promises lightly
And there have been some that I've broken
But I swear in the days still left
We'll walk in fields of gold
Wedding photo in fields

Sneak Peak from Jasmine and Franklin's Beautiful Wedding

Une après-midi magique avec Maureen Angot

Il y a quelques semaines je vous racontais ici ma rencontre magique avec la belle Maureen Angot, the Heartist.
Voici donc les images de notre journée pleine de rires, de belles voix qui vous transportent
Enjoy !

Last month, my friend Gonzalo invited me to the recording of ZikSpotting, his self-produced TV show that aims to promote new and talented artists. So I was blessed to meet Maureen Angot - The Heartist, an artist with a true talent and a true heart. We spent an entire and magical afternoon at her place...actually more than an afternoon as we ended at 11pm ! No one has seen the time fly though, the day was filled with so much laugher, love for music, amazing voices and musicians. I feel very grateful to be able to live such moments. Hope you'll enjoy too !

Un grand merci à Maureen et toute son équipe, à toute la famille ZikSpotting.
Pour soutenir notre belle Heartist, ca se passe ici / Support this great artist by participating to her album's funding :

Meet Maureen Angot | The Heartist

2013 sera vraiment l'année des belles rencontres je pense. Du moins, elle commence plutôt bien.
Après de belles rencontres photographiques, voici une belle rencontre artistique. Si vous êtes comme moi de la génération Star Ac', vous avez sûrement en mémoire cette artiste à la chevelure de lionne et voix de velours : Maureen Angot et deux duos qui -en ce qui me concerne - resteront gravés dans ma mémoire avec Alicia Keys et Joss Stone. Après être passée par les deux grosses machines que sont la Star Ac' et The Voice, Maureen décide de faire le choix du coeur : celui de produire son album pour et par les gens qui aiment sa musique. Produire son album pour être au plus prêt de ceux qui, au final, joueront sa musique dans leurs iPod : "une chanteuse Bio" comme elle le définit elle-même : directement du producteur au consommateur.

C'est donc lors d'une belle après-midi de printemps glacial (le retour de #missmétéo) que je retrouve Maureen chez elle, en compagnie de mon pote Gonzalo qui vient enregistrer son émission ZikSpotting.
Un salon, 3 canapés, 1 chat, 3 guitaristes et une voix. La magie opère dès les premières minutes, dans cet appartement on se sent transportés, on oublie le froid dehors, on a chaud dans le coeur.

Une petite chanson qui s'improvise sur un refrain improbable : "On n'est pas des méchants", une bonne humeur communicative, l'envie de pas se prendre au sérieux, des pieds qui démangent et l'envie de danser et de chanter à tue-tête ce refrain de chanson d'enfants aux rythmes latino dans ce salon transformé en salle de concert improvisé. 

Puis on commence l'enregistrement pour ZikSpotting. Le talentueux Bastien Picot rejoint Maureen pour un duo sur une reprise de "Born to be alive" et là ... bah ouai y'a pas à dire, on se sent bien Alive, vivant, vibrant de la tête aux pieds, deux voix qui se marient pour vous faire toucher les cieux - Magique -
Maureen nous chantera ensuite un de ses titres persos. On finira par jouer au badminton, faire de la muscu et des pompes dans le salon ... Je ne vous en dis pas plus... restez connectés, toutes les photos du Making Of et l'épisode de ZikSpotting très bientôt !!

En attendant, voici un Sneak Peak du photoshoot (improvisé aussi) à la fin de la session. Et RDV sur, pour soutenir cette artiste de cœur, Maureen Angot - The Heartist

Maureen Angot


Voilà, 2012 is over, it has passed as quickly as a blink of an eye, didn't have time to process anything apart from the fact that we have survived the End of the World and that's already something !
My resolutions for 2013 : KEEP CALM AND SNAP ON
Hopefully, you'll embark with me on my photographic adventures for 2013, and I wish you all a beautiful brand new year full of Love Life and Laughters


Voilà, 2012 c'est fini, c'est passé à toute vitesse, on n'a rien compris mais on a survécu à la fin du monde et c'est déjà pas mal ! 
Mes résolutions pour 2013 : KEEP CALM & SNAP ON
En espérant que mes aventures photographiques sur Love Life Laughter vous plairont et que 2013 sera pour vous une belle année pleine d'amour, de vie et de rires.